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For over 30 years JBS Water has completed comprehensive water audits and NRW reduction programs for clients worldwide. Our insight, knowledge, and experience are based on time-proven methods that have been developed by us in hundreds of projects, large and small. 

Production Meter Accuracy

JBS Water has completed hundreds of production meter accuracy tests as part of the comprehensive JBS Water Audit. We have examined and tested most brands and types of meter on the market today. The heart of any water loss study must begin with the verification of metered production data.  Accuracy of production volumes provides the benchmark data that all other water use is measured against to obtain accurate and informative results. We offer spot accuracy tests or longer-term 24-hour tests.

Meter Management & Sizing (Apparent Losses)

Appropriate water meter management and meter sizing are the most cost-effective programs a utility can undertake.  So often, utilities concentrate on capital improvements of treatment plants, pumping stations, and distribution piping, overlooking the revenue benefits and water accountability of accurate metering.  Water meters are a system's most valuable Performance Indicator and are regarded as such by JBS Water in all our projects. For this reason, a comprehensive meter management analysis should be carried out before implementing an expensive meter change-out program.  The JBS Water Meter Management approach addresses all aspects of apparent losses.

Analysis of Real Losses & District Measurements

In the JBS Water Audit, we conduct an in-depth analysis of historical leak incidence. A thorough investigation of this information and detailed geographic analysis, identify sections within the distribution system where replacement or repair can be implemented for the greatest loss reduction. Where results call for it, District Measurements are conducted, in coordination with the client, to determine leakage potential by sectors/pressure zones in the system. The results narrow down the sectors of interest for later leak detection purposes. 

JBS Water has the experience and technology to conduct leak surveys with acoustic sounding and state of the art leak correlation equipment.  

Training – NRW Assessment & Meter Application

Over the years, JBS Water training programs have been presented through many professional organizations to over 8,000 people in the United States, Canada, Southeast Asia, Central, and South America.  We continue to make training available for our water audit clients on a tailor-made basis and to local water associations who request it.

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